Don’t miss judge the party because the happy couple has the honorable duty to sweep up the broken pieces. Here we would like to appeal to the ladies even though traditionally only the men do the sweeping in Northern Germany but don’t miss the fun because by sweeping the broken pieces together the couple shows that they will work well together in the future. 

Jeans and t-shirt is the ideal choice of clothing, furthermore, it is a must to have brooms and dustpans handy and to dispose of the pieces right away. Surprisingly, many guests had great fun by spilling the already swept up pieces again. A good choice for the debris is a container and it is unbelievable to see how fast a trash can could be filled up. Neighbors should definitely be informed about the party if they are not invited.

Last but least, the most surprising dos that should be done is every guests that come need to bring their own gifts towards the couple and there is a must to put their name at the gifts so that the couple can accepts the presents happily.

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